Modern combat domination review
Modern combat domination review

modern combat domination review
  1. Modern combat domination review full size#
  2. Modern combat domination review Offline#

It also seems that every gun carries a decent enough kick so that players actually will be able to hear and see their gun acting as it would in a real life situation. The guns actually sound pretty good when they are fired and explosive grenades sound just as good as if they were in a fully priced retail game. The five different maps are designed well enough but unfortunately the horrible spawning system only makes matters worse when it is combined with the fact that level design leaves much to be desired, meaning many players will spawn only to die quickly once again. While the game does look good enough for the price tag attached to Modern Combat: Domination, the visuals are clearly not the best you can find out there. Of course that doesn’t mean that things don’t look a bit drab either.

Modern combat domination review full size#

Gameloft surprisingly handles the jump to full size televisions surprisingly well considering they are used to working on screens smaller than a dollar bill.

modern combat domination review

The teams played by the players are named generically, such as Mercenaries vs Special Forces, and the objective of every match is of course, to win.

Modern combat domination review Offline#

There is a mode that can be played offline but this mode does not change the actual gameplay at all other than have the player face off against bots, with bots on their team as well. Modern Combat: Domination has absolutely zero story to stand behind the action that is going on, especially considering the fact that the game was designed primarily for online multiplayer. Will Gameloft’s Modern Combat survive the jump to consoles? Gameloft has made two Modern Combat games before except those were only available on cell phones. Now don’t walk away quite yet, sure there are plenty of different FPS out there to take a look at, and it’s definitely hard to make a splash in the current market but this game here, Modern Combat: Domination only costs $8 and also has Move support. Take a minute and pause that expensive FPS and take a quick look here as we have another FPS entering the gaming world.

Modern combat domination review